Davis History
On-line archive of Davis, California history materials.
Materials on this site are archived from two vantage points:
1. Davis history as a whole, as with, for example, population from the start to now. Materials of this sort are in Folder 1 on the left.
2. Periods of Davis history. On this site, there are nine such periods. These are shown in the "2 folders," also to the left.
Presenting Davis history materials is primary, but there are also four secondary purposes, here numbered folders 3 through 6.
3. Housed in folder 3, the first of these is to publish original research on Davis history in the Papers on Davis History Series.
4. The second has been to present information on Davis historic preservation and historical resources. These are in folder 4.
5. Materials on the Davis Historical Society are assembled in folder 5.
6. Notices of some Davis History relevant books published in the late '00s appear in folder 6.
You might also be interested in:
Guidelines on researching Davis history at: http://www.davishistoryresearch.org
Recent developments in thinking about Davis history blogged at: http://davishistorytoday.blogspot.com/

Materials on the history of Old North Davis collected at: http://www.oldnorthdavishistory.org
Questions about this site and materials on it can be directed to me, John Lofland, at jlofland@dcn.org.